"Bringing Hope Home: Building Lives, One Home at a Time"

home is not just a place to sleep


"Our mission is to provide compassionate, practical, and sustainable solutions to help homeless individuals regain their dignity and independence. We are committed to connecting those in need with safe and stable housing, while offering comprehensive support and resources to address the root causes of homelessness. Through collaboration, advocacy, and empowerment, we strive to create a world where no one is left without a home, and where every individual has the opportunity to rebuild their life and find their path to a brighter future.".



he primary benefit is providing a safe and stable place for homeless individuals to stay. This addresses their immediate need for shelter and protection from the elements, reducing the risk of health issues, violence, and exposure to the elements.


Many organizations that shelter the homeless offer access to a range of support services, such as counseling, job training, medical care, addiction treatment, and social services. This holistic approach helps individuals address the underlying causes of their homelessness and regain their independence.


Homeless shelters often provide a sense of community and support, allowing individuals to interact with others in similar situations. This sense of belonging can help boost morale, self-esteem, and overall well-being, restoring a sense of dignity to those who have experienced homelessness.

A big part of our job is about validation and details, but speed is also key, Make it simple!

John Phillips


"Truly Gifted LLC stands as a beacon of hope, offering homeless individuals the support, resources, and opportunities they need to rebuild their lives and regain their independence. Our unwavering commitment to compassion and empowerment ensures that every person we serve finds their path to a brighter, more secure future. With Truly Gifted LLC, we not only provide shelter but a stepping stone towards a life of dignity, self-sufficiency, and renewed hope."

TRULY GIFTED LLC © Copyright 2020

"Bringing Hope Home: Building Lives, One Home at a Time"